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  1. Magnolia
  2. MAGNOLIA-3458

Dialog checkboxSwitch not saved (i18n enabled)


      When I add a new Paragraph (ncaTest) having a Dialog with two i18n-enabled checkboxSwitch controls, they just are set initially (on first save of the dialog) for each language and need to be set using the JCR browser afterwards. So, unchecking/checking the checkbox does not impact the JCR content AND the opening of the Dialog at a later time.

      Problem was encountered in my local setup (Eclipse IDE) and could be reproduced on demoauthor:

      1. add new dialog (attachment ncaDialog.xml)
      2. copy a paragraph and set its dialog to the new created from xml.
      3. add paragraph to an area and edit, change values, save and check.

        Acceptance criteria

              ochytil Ondrej Chytil
              meglur Marco Glur
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              0 Start watching this issue
