Uploaded image for project: 'Magnolia'
  1. Magnolia
  2. MAGNOLIA-4344

Users other than superuser can not view versions



      I just came across this issue. It seems that users other than the superuser can not view version history from within AdminCentral.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Log into http://demoauthor.magnolia-cms.com as superuser
      2. Go to Documents/demo-project/img/logos
      3. Right click on magnolia-logo and choose Delete, then click Ok in the dialog box that appears
      4. Right click on the magnolia-logo again, and choose Versions
      5. In the Versions dialog that opens, you should see a version that you can restore to. Close the window without restoring.
      6. Log out as superuser, then log in as eric
      7. Go to Documents/demo-project/img/logos
      8. Right click on magnolia-logo, and choose Versions
      9. Note that there is no version information displayed, and eric can't restore a version

      The same thing occurs when activating content. Users other than superuser aren't able to view Versions.

      Let me know if you have any other questions.


        Acceptance criteria

              had Jan Haderka
              mderting Matt Dertinger
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
