Uploaded image for project: 'Magnolia'
  1. Magnolia
  2. MAGNOLIA-4553

Current state of areas was always activated instead of versioned one due to incorrect evaluation of node super types.



      • info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil.isNodeType(Node, String). Here we are doing for frozenNode simple equals for types.
      • info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule.isAllowed(String) should not be used. Because it's also doing only simple equals but not consider subtypes. We should used info.magnolia.cms.util.Rule.isAllowed(Node) instead.

      This has side effect on ActivationCommand which activates always the current state not the versioned state.

      This could be reproduced on demoauthor instance.
      Here the steps to reproduce:

      1. Activate demo-project page in AdminCentral
      2. Change on the first carousel item the headline
      3. Proceed your activation in the inbox
      4. Look at http://demopublic.magnolia-cms.com/demo-project.html and you will see your change in the caroussel (this is the bug, you should see the version of step 1.

      It is worth noting that the issue does not seem to concern content at page level. I.e. I tried to reproduce it with the title of the /demo-project/about page and there the behavior looks correct.

      1. Change the title to "About Foo"
      2. Activate changes (but do not proceed)
      3. Change again the title into "About Baz"
      4. Proceed with pending activation

      Result: as expected the published page has title set at step 1.

        Acceptance criteria

              mdivilek Milan Divilek
              frank.sommer Frank Sommer
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