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  1. Magnolia
  2. MAGNOLIA-6373

Update Freemarker from '2.3.21' to '2.3.25': Many powerful improvements


    • Yes
    • Basel 48, Basel 52
    • 2

      Reading the freemarker documentation lately again, I found many very powerful improvements which were added in the 2.3.23 version.

      Probably the most powerful improvement is the list iteration:

      The new possibility of only looping when the list is not null is really great and saves a lot of if statements:

      <#list sequence>
          Part executed once if we have more than 0 items
          <#items as item>
              Part repeated for each item
          Part executed once if we have more than 0 items
          Part executed when there are 0 items

      Here a typical 'non emtpy ul" example (also typical cases would be: divs and their classes):
      Freemarker version < 2.3.23 (old):

      [#if (components?size) > 0]
          [#list components as component ]
              <li>[@cms.component content=component /]</li>
      Do something on an empty list

      Freemarker version = 2.3.23 (new):

      [#list components]
          [#items as component]
              <li>[@cms.component content=component /]</li>
      Do something on an empty list

      And here a typical example of more complex logic. Its from a simple navigation suing recursive macro:
      Freemarker version < 2.3.23 (old):

      [#assign rootPage = cmsfn.siteRoot(content, "training-home") /]
      [@linkChildren node=rootPage /]
      [#macro linkChildren node ulClass="nav navbar-nav"]
          [#assign children = cmsfn.children(child, "mgnl:page") /]
          [#if (children?size) > 0]
              <ul class="${ulClass}">
                  [#list children as child]
                      [#assign has2ndLevelChildren = (cmsfn.children(child, "mgnl:page")?size) > 0 /]
                      [#if has2ndLevelChildren]
                          <li class="dropdown">
                              <a href="${cmsfn.link(child)!}" > ${child.title!child.@name}</a>
                              <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" >
                                  <span class="caret"></span>
                              [@linkChildren node=child ulClass="dropdown-menu"/]
                          <li><a href="${cmsfn.link(child)!}">${child.title!child.@name}</a></li>        

      Freemarker version = 2.3.23 (new):

      [#assign rootPage = cmsfn.siteRoot(content, "training-home") /]
      [@linkChildren node=rootPage /]
      [#macro linkChildren node ulClass="nav navbar-nav"]
          [#assign children = cmsfn.children(child, "mgnl:page") /]
          [#list children]
              <ul class="${ulClass}">
                  [#items as child]
                      [#list cmsfn.children(child, "mgnl:page")]
                          <li class="dropdown">
                              <a href="${cmsfn.link(child)!}" > ${child.title!child.@name}</a>
                              <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" >
                                  <span class="caret"></span>
                              [@linkChildren node=child ulClass="dropdown-menu"/]
                          <li><a href="${cmsfn.link(child)!}">${child.title!child.@name}</a></li> 

      I hope the benefit is well view-able.

        Acceptance criteria

              mmichel Maxime Michel
              cringele Christian Ringele
              8 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue


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                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - 0d
                  Time Spent - 5m