Uploaded image for project: 'Magnolia Data Module (closed)'
  1. Magnolia Data Module (closed)
  2. MGNLDATA-24

functions should be hidden based on user's permissions


      access-rights are incorrect
      It seems that a user can modify the data repository even without having the correct permissions. However changes will not succeed.
      Too many options ('New Folder', 'New Item', 'Delete all', ...) are enabled.

      log in as administrator
      create new role 'test' and configure as following:
      Config: read only (selected and sub nodes) to /modules/adminInterface/config/menu/data
      Data: read only (selected and sub nodes) to /example
      URL: get & post to /*

      create new user 'dummy':
      set only role /test

      log out, log in as dummy
      select in the menu 'Example' (in the only section Data)
      --> I get the options 'New Folder', 'New Item', 'Delete all', 'Activate all' and 'Deactivate all'
      --> at least 'New Folder', 'New Item' and 'Delete all' should not be activated, since read-only is configured

      Click on 'New Item' --> the edit Window opens
      enter name and comment
      click on 'Save' --> the window reloads, but does not close. Also the entry is not saved.

        Acceptance criteria

          1. GenericDataAdminTreeConfig.java.patch
            7 kB
            Philippe Marschall
          2. TypeAdminTreeConfig.java.patch
            5 kB
            Philippe Marschall

              pbaerfuss Philipp Bärfuss
              wolfgang Wolfgang Habicht
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
