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  1. Magnolia Demo Projects
  2. MGNLDEMO-66

Tour page only displays english


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 0.5
    • 0.5
    • None
    • None

      The tour page does not display in german, not just the tour but the navigation and footer, and all the links on the page do not contain a locale part ("/en/" or "/de/").
      The locale is incorrectly set to "en" which is the fallbackLocale.
      I18nContentSupportFilter sets the locale. (In the aggregationState).

      Here's what happens when tracing a request to the page:
      1. I18nContentSupportFilter runs and sets the aggregationState locale correctly based on the incoming url:


      It then REMOVES the locale from the url and stores this "clean" url to the currentUri on the aggregationState.

      2. Then RegexpVirtualURIMapping (VirtualUriFilter) runs and maps the currentUri (which at this point has no locale) so




      3. The mapping is configured as a forward, but still this causes the I18nContentSupportFilter to run again. This time on the currentURI:


      Finding no locale in the URI, the locale is set to the fallback locale.

      Ideas for fixes:

      • Perhaps the I18nContentSupportFilter should only operate once per request. By its design - it is broken if it gets run again since it has stripped the locale from the string that it will try to operate on again.
      • Change or create a new RegexpVirtualURIMapping that appends a locale?

      Ideas that dont work:

      • Perhaps DefaultI18nContentSupport#onDetermineLocale should use the original URI (getOriginalURI()) rather than the manipulated AggregationState.getCurrentURI() as the url to determine the Locale from. DOESNOTWORK in multisite because the sitename is in front of the the locale name and so the locale is incorrectly determined.
        (Or we could create a new one that does this for the purposes of the demo.)

        Acceptance criteria

              czimmermann Christopher Zimmermann
              czimmermann Christopher Zimmermann
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
