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  1. Magnolia DX Core
  2. MGNLEE-388

Cargo: replace uses of zipUrlInstaller by artifactInstaller


      In the configuration of the cargo plugin, we can
      1) Replace this:


      by this:


      This might require some research to find the correct artifacts, but it seems recent containers have an artifact available.
      If we need to keep the different profiles (our int tests can (in theory) run on different containers), will require introducing a couple of properties or rearranging the configuration to some extent. (perhaps move part of the cargo config in the profiles entirely, which means some could still be using a url)

      2) Replace or remove this: <home>${basedir}/tmp/cargo-home</home>. Defaults to ${project.build.directory}/cargo/configurations/${containerId}, which is just as well.


      • job really cleans itself entirely, no tmp folder lying around in the workspace (by default, the container is downloaded under target/, so we originally configured cargo this way to avoid re-downloading the container for every build)
      • the container distribution (zip) is cached the local maven repository, so we won't download it every time either.

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              gjoseph Magnolia International
              gjoseph Magnolia International
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