Uploaded image for project: 'Magnolia UI'
  1. Magnolia UI
  2. MGNLUI-1047

Implement more compact look for dialogs


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Neutral Neutral
    • 5.0
    • None
    • dialogs

      During a review with the goal to implement a more compact look for Magnolia's new UI, we've also defined a slightly more compact appearance for forms. This issue is about implementing these changes.

      The changes are:

      • header and footer become less high
      • the font size of the dialog title gets smaller
      • the left and right padding in header, footer and body of a dialog become smaller as well
      • note that, as a result of the change of the padding, the padding inside tabs has to change as well.

      You'll find a style guide with the new measurements attached to this issue. You'll also find two screen shots showing the difference: the first shows the original design, the second the more dense, new one.

        Acceptance criteria

          1. Dialog.original.png
            1.46 MB
          2. Dialog.compact.png
            1.56 MB
          3. Dialog.compact.styleguide.png
            1.58 MB
          4. Dialog review.png
            Dialog review.png
            266 kB

              spenttila Samuli Penttilä
              weder Andreas Weder
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
