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  1. Magnolia UI
  2. MGNLUI-3167

A message is marked as read/not new, if I close its message banner


      When an error occurs, I can close the error message banner by clicking on the "x", but that also marks the message as no longer "new", although I haven't actually read the message. Closing the banner should only do that - close the banner - and not do anything with the message.

      The "new" flag of a message should only be removed:

      • if I explicitely open a message in Pulse to read it
      • if I select the message in Pulse and mark it as "read" (not possible currently)
      • if I click on the "[MORE]" link button in a message banner to get to the details of a message (this also opens the message)

      We strive for a unified treatment of "new" and "read" (similar to application such as Apple Mail) as the subtleties of "new" vs. "read" messages often lead to confusion and, hence, missed messages.

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