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  1. Magnolia UI
  2. MGNLUI-3874

Firing ContentChangeEvent on the root node logs warning


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Neutral Neutral
    • None
    • None
    • framework
    • None

      We can go to the next dialog when chaining dialogs and the related item doesn't have to be saved into JCR yet. This results into two problems:

      1. The content change event is triggered after closing each dialog.
      2. The tree is trying to select the item which doesn't exist yet. This results in a bug when adding a node at the root level since it tries to expand JCR root node (instead of the child which isn't saved yet) which is not part of the container.
        2016-04-29 09:43:21,969 WARN  agnolia.ui.workbench.tree.HierarchicalJcrContainer: Cannot determine parent for itemId: info.magnolia.ui.vaadin.integration.jcr.JcrNewNodeItemId@303012d2: javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException: Root node doesn't have a parent

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              rkovarik Roman Kovařík
              rkovarik Roman Kovařík
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