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  1. Magnolia pages module
  2. PAGES-140

br tags inserted into title during rename (on pressing return)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Neutral Neutral
    • None
    • 5.5
    • None
    • multiple machines, multiple magnolia instances

      When editing the page title in a multi-line text dialog, pressing return will insert a break character. When saved, this is translated into a <br/> tag. This seems like good behavior for multi-line text dialogs for the body section, but isn't great in the title or meta attributes.

      To reproduce:

      1. log into magnolia author.
      2. add a new page, use any name, title, and template.
      3. save the page.
      4. highlight the page from tree view, and select rename from the right side interface.
      5. The Title section of the dialog should be multiline.
      6. select the Title section, and press return. A white space character should show up.
      7. save the edit.
      8. view the page outside of the magnolia frame.
      9. The title bar will contain <br/> tags. viewing the page's source will show the tags.

      This issue also shows up on other multi-line dialog editors. When allowing clients to generate and maintain pages, they often hit enter and don't notice the whitespace character added.

      When editing the title through edit page properties, as a single line dialog, the return characters are removed onBlur of the field.

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              Unassigned Unassigned
              zsumm Zachary Summers
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