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  1. Build
  2. BUILD-1018

Include magnolia's beanutils2 artifact as a dependency in the bom


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • BOM 6.3.0, BOM 6.2.30
    • None
    • None
    • None


      The repo:


      has been internally forked here


      There is jenkins job that is running successfully (2.0.0-magnolia-SNAPSHOT)

      But now, we'll need to include this dependency in the current bom, in order to start to consume it and getting rid of the old one

      Expected results

      The library is included in the bom. Packages from beanutils1 and 2 are not the same, so there should be no problem there.

      We'll keep on managing both beanutls1 and beanutils2 in BOM for now, even though we'll remove usages of the former from all of Magnolia's codebase. Reason being custom projects may still depend on older version and removing it completely would cause consumer projects to fail at compile time. 
      This grace period will likely end with Magnolia 6.3.  

      Dev notes

      Current gav coordinates:


        Acceptance criteria

              fgrilli Federico Grilli
              dalonso Daniel Alonso
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue

                Work Started:

                  Task DoR