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  1. Build
  2. BUILD-46

Figure out parent pom for Forge projects


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • POMs 18
    • None
    • Poms
    • None

      While we don't want to make the use of our parent pom mandatory, some projects might want to use that, at least as a quickstart.

      One of the problems is that our other parent poms define stuff like "magnoliaEdition", "magnoliaLicenceStyle", and this might not be relevant for these projects.

      • magnoliaLicenceStyle might work (perhaps the property could be renamed), as it just drives the configuration of some other plugins... (to be validated)
      • magnoliaEdition seems to be only used when generating README, and only in the context of pom, war, and installer packages...

      Another issue has to do with license headers. Forge projects are not owned by Magnolia International, and as such, their using our license header makes no sense. The checkstyle rules checking those headers are driven by the above magnoliaLicenseStyle property. Should we provide another set of headers, so that forge modules can use our checkstyle rules if they want ? (Matt Dertinger expressed interest) and/or should we add rules to enforce the non-usage of these headers ?

      Need to investigate deeper to check if there are other implications. If so, we could also maintain such a pom at a higher level than our existing ones.

        Acceptance criteria

              gjoseph Magnolia International
              gjoseph Magnolia International
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