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  1. Build
  2. BUILD-98

Bundles created by new assembly plugin set wrong permissions on some files


      New assembly plugin 2.2.1, used in new parent-pom 21, causes some odd permissions issues.

      • Owners used are those of ppl who last committed given file.
      • Permissions are wrong for folders in the webapps themselves - WEB-INF, META-INF and other folders have no permissions set at all.
        (The problem is best visible on linux. OSX tar/zip seems to use umask permissions for directories w/o permissions and obviously windows ignores issue all together. However linux tar/zip dutifully extracts folders as they were recorded in the archive making the installation unusable w/o resetting permissions and ownership.)

      This issue might be related http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-557

      Example of corrupted archives: http://svn.magnolia-cms.com/svn/community/bundle/tags/magnolia-bundle-4.5-RC2/

        Acceptance criteria

              gjoseph Magnolia International
              mdivilek Milan Divilek
              0 Vote for this issue
              0 Start watching this issue
