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  1. Documentation
  2. DOCU-114

Commenting with EE and CE


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    • Resolution: Outdated
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      In the Commenting module article:

      • Explain what kind of commenting is available with CE (IntenseDebate) and EE (Magnolia's own). What are the advantages of each approach?
      • Write procedures for setting up commenting with CE and EE. This is somewhat documented but should be improved.
      • For IntenseDebate commenting, wiki has some instructions but they are not detailed enough because users are getting lost. Include instructions how to create an IntenseDebate account and get the ID.
      • For EE commenting, explain what the roles forum-base, page-comments-user, forum-moderator-base, forum-pagecomments-moderator and forum-pagecomments-admin are used for. They ship with the standard installation but are not assigned to any users or groups out-of-the-box. Write a use case for assigning the roles to users so that anonymous users can view page comments, registered users can add comments, an editor promoted to a moderator can moderate etc.
      • Link to the commenting video.
      • Describe a clustered Magnolia configuration where user generated content such as comments are stored in a clustered repository accessed by all public instances.


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              ahietala Antti Hietala
              ahietala Antti Hietala
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