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  1. Magnolia
  2. MAGNOLIA-3239

Custom styles file for FckEditor does not overwrite the default one.


      When you define an xml file for your own style to be used with fckEditor, the default CustomStyles is still set to "Red Title", and there is no way to remove it from xml. It should be excluded by configuration when including other styles.
      I think it may be removed at all in any configuration, it seems just an example from FckEditor that was left there.
      The included patch will remove the FckEditor FCKConfig.CustomStyles property before setting the new style from the xml.

        Acceptance criteria

          1. fck.patch
            0.6 kB
            Danilo Ghirardelli

              ochytil Ondrej Chytil
              dfghi Danilo Ghirardelli
              1 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue


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