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  1. Magnolia
  2. MAGNOLIA-587

concept for future magnolia (possibly 3.5)


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Outdated
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      There were a lot of discussions about the future of magnolia. For example you may remember the discussions about which framework we should use or about new features like references, workflow...

      I wrote a concept draft to restart this process in a more professional way. It contains a lot of the conclusions we made in this list. We discussed this document internally at obinary and it were reviewed by some others of this list too. After all we are ready to start a last public discussion before we make a final decision. This will lead us then step by step to a really cool enterprise enabled magnolia.

      Since the proposed changes are of a bigger nature we call it magnolia 3.0 suggesting that this work will not be done in a few weeks There is already a 2.2 planed and maybe there will be a 2.3 before the bombastic 3.0 show.

      How ever, we make the important decisions now so that we have a clear roadmap afterward. Doing this we hope that we can gain the one or the other from here to help us during the implementation process since we can not do all that work by our own.

      We will proceed as follow:
      1. We start the final discussion on the list. Doing this we will use JIRA (Subtasks for specific topics)
      2. If there is no consensus after one week we will vote.
      3. We build a project team (who would participate, who takes responsibilities)
      4. The team (maybe sub teams) makes a more detailed concept or prototype implementations.
      5. We plan the work (priorities, milestones, resource assessment). We will use centrics as the integral tool.

      The details about voting etc are written down in the document which I will attache to the JIRA task.

        Acceptance criteria

              Unassigned Unassigned
              pbaerfuss Philipp Bärfuss
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
