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  1. Magnolia
  2. MAGNOLIA-7030

Optimise the usage of AnnotationUtils class


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Neutral Neutral
    • None
    • 5.5.4
    • None

      AnnotationUtils is primarily used by i18n mechanism in order to identify translatable getters and types. Used in conjunction with ProxyToys interceptors AnnotationUtils conducts the look up whether a method has the annotation applied to it. This means that *every i18n-ed definition method call* results into:

      • class hierarchy look-up (we need to get all the parent types and all method implementations and check whether any of them has annotation applied).
      • multiple class/method annotation look-up
      • since Reflections library is used to look-up/filter the annotations, some collections and other garbage objects are created on the way (we are still talking about a getter call!)

      Load tests have shown that these reflective operations due to their high amount tend to consume a lot of CPU.

      Easiest way to mitigate the issue is to cache the results of the look-ups:

      • cache class hierarchies
      • cache the method/type annotations
        Experiments have proved that this renders the resource consumption by AnnotationUtils to minimum.

      Potential follow-up:

      • it still seems that rather frequent I18N-ization calls in UI are causing *some* resource waste (nothing compared to above but still). This is related to CGLIB bytecode transformations being involved in the process (heavy!). The suggestion here is to consider i18n-ed API for the definition provider. I.e. besides of DefinitionProvider#get() we could also have DefinitionProvider#getLocalised() which will produce an i18n-ised proxy once (until the underlying config changes of course).

        Acceptance criteria

              Unassigned Unassigned
              apchelintcev Aleksandr Pchelintcev
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