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  1. Magnolia
  2. MAGNOLIA-9318

Improve accesibility of user profile


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Neutral Neutral
    • None
    • None
    • None


      Make it easier to identify which profile node belongs to which user's profile, in following use cases:

      1. System administrator tries to resolve an issue (i.e. a user complains their favourites get reset frequently) and looks into the JCR tree to debug
      2. Making a user profile identifiable and possibly manipulated by a script (i.e. if a developer wants to use the profile workspace to store further information)

      Suggested approach

      Use case number 1 can be achieved in many ways - i.e. search functionality, or exposing profile hash (or a direct link) to a profile in the interface. However, keep in mind that only a System Admin needs to find and review the profile, so not everyone using the Security app needs such access.

      cringele suggested adding a simple text property to each profile node containing the user's username for easier find-ability. However, if we go down this approach, we need to update the username in case it changes in the original user profile.

      Evzen: Maybe we need some tool (groovy script) instead to find user profile easily. 

      Use case number 2 should be achieved programatically, providing methods in ProfileManager interface/service to enable profile manipulation (and discouraging the developers to manipulate JCR profiles directly with their scripts)


        Acceptance criteria

              Unassigned Unassigned
              efochr Evzen Fochr
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