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  1. Periscope
  2. MGNLPER-208

Test and document times for queries that are executed concurrently


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Neutral Neutral
    • None
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    • None

      Customers think we don't do concurrent execution of the search queries, and hence, users need to wait for other users to finalise their search.

      At 19:00 minute of the recording: https://magnolia-cms.zoom.us/rec/share/Fkd9YuJdMIyisdTwKIDZh7MDGe3GcKMNWEsXT-1u1mLKsx8-EM65JoiBDhChZfFx.DVTpqAofUU7BsisO



      • Investigate previous discovery and either confirm/infirm the following statement: "Multiple threads trying to get the same session on the same workspace will give you badtimes (IIRC throws an exception on the second thread)."
      • If possible, remove the Semaphore lock, and make the concurrency configurable 
      • During investigation, fill MGNLPER-190 as needed

      Dev notes: source stackOverflow

      • javax.jcr.Session is not thread-safe, so if you're going to use a Session to handle multiple requests, you have to be sure that a Session is only being used in processing one request at a time. In other words, you'd some sort of pool of Sessions objects.
      • Session is stateful, so any information loaded by one session might be kept until the Session is refreshed or closed.
      • Session is for a specific user. If each incoming request might be associated with different users, you may be leaking privileges and data.

      Other notes: https://jackrabbit.apache.org/jcr/concurrency-control.html

        Acceptance criteria

              miguel.martinez Miguel Martinez
              ilgun Ilgun Ilgun
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