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  1. Magnolia Personalization
  2. MGNLPN-372

More subtle appearance of variant switcher in dialogs


    • Kromeriz 87
    • 3

      The language switcher in dialogs should be more subtle. While we may use standard comboboxes with forms, we use a text-only variant in headers, footers and filters. This will improve the overall appearance of dialogs and allows to better align the main buttons and the switcher.

      Please change the language switcher to:

      • be a text-only in Magnolia green, followed by an arrow (see attachments)
      • use our dark grey for text and icon, use white on hover
      • use the subtle popup for showing the values

      If creating a popup like this seems like too much off the standard component, let's have a look together. Note that the bottom padding is wrong in the popup shown in the attachment.

      Visual design for language/variant selector

      So far, we've had mainly comboboxes on green, black and white backgrounds. Here's how language and variant selector look and work on gray backgrounds and in dialogs.

      Closed selector

      • Set the left margin to approx.16px.
        The goal should be to left-align the combobox value with the dialog and tab titles.
      • Choose the dark green color palette for the value: text color <31>, hover color <32>.

      The hover color only needs to slightly tint the base text color. It's about giving visual feedback, not about readability or good contrast.

      Open selector

      • Open the box above (not below) the selected value, at the approx. same position as the value itself.
      Padding and widths

      • Ensure a minimum width of 120px. There's no minimum height, although the screenshot seems to suggest so.
      • Set left + right inner paddings to 10px (includes the 1px border).
      • Set top + bottom inner paddings to 8px (includes the 1px border).
      Colors and fonts

      • Background color of the box is white, the border color is <13>.
      • Highlight color is <16>.
      • The font is Verdana regular 12px, font color is black.
        The screenshot shows DIN regular, but this doesn't apply here.

        Acceptance criteria

          1. 1 Current visual of lang switcher.png
            29 kB
            Evzen Fochr
          2. 2 How selectors look and work.png
            61 kB
            Evzen Fochr
          3. 3-1 Visual design of selectors.png
            3 kB
            Evzen Fochr
          4. 3-2 Visual design of selectors.png
            5 kB
            Evzen Fochr
          5. Combobox in dialog footer.png
            30 kB
            Andreas Weder
          6. positionOfNextElement.png
            10 kB
            Evzen Fochr
          7. Styleguide.closed-box.png
            37 kB
            Evzen Fochr
          8. Styleguide.open-box.colors.png
            36 kB
            Evzen Fochr
          9. Styleguide.open-box.fonts.png
            33 kB
            Evzen Fochr
          10. Styleguide.open-box.sizes.png
            36 kB
            Evzen Fochr

              efochr Evzen Fochr
              weder Andreas Weder
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