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  1. Magnolia Standard Templating Kit (closed)
  2. MGNLSTK-808

CalendarModel's getWeeksInMonth method returns 1 for months having less than 31 days


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Neutral Neutral
    • Backlog
    • 1.4.5
    • paragraphs


      Currently, it looks like the STK's CalendarModel's getWeeksInMonth method returns 1 for months having less than 31 days. As an example, see the stkExtrasCalendar paragraph, you can see the resulting behavior on the demopublic site here: http://demopublic.magnolia-cms.com/demo-project/news-and-events/events-overview.2011.11.html

      Notice, only the first week of the month is displayed. If you cycle through the months, you'll notice that months that have 31 days display all weeks of the month, while those having less than 31 days only display the first week.

      Note: For some reason, calling the model.weeksInMonth in the freemarker template before the list 1 .. model.weeksInMonth as x seems to fix the display issue. Here's an example:

              <td colspan="7">${model.weeksInMonth!}</td>
          [#list 1 .. model.weeksInMonth as x]
                  <th class="cw">${model.getCalendarItem(x, 1).week}</th>
                  [#list 1 .. 7 as y]
                      [#assign item = model.getCalendarItem(x, y)]
                      <td ${cmsfn.createAttribute("class", item.cssClass)}>
                          [#if item.visible]
                              [#if item.link??]
                                  <a href="${item.link}">${item.day}</a>

      Note: I've also fixed the markup in the example above, in the actual source code, the anchor tag isn't closed and the closing td tag is in the wrong location. That issue has already been reported here: MGNLSTK-686

      Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


        Acceptance criteria

              pbaerfuss Philipp Bärfuss
              mderting Matt Dertinger
              Mark Montri, Yun Qian
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
