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  1. Magnolia UI
  2. MGNLUI-5260

multi-reference properties are broken - storing paths instead of UUID


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 6.1
    • 6.1
    • None
    • None
    • 6.1 Release Sprint

      When a CT has a reference property to another property, and it is marked as "multiple", then the generated app does not correctly configure the identifierToPathConverter node. Thiis causes links to be stored as paths instead of UUID's, which will cause problems in templating and other places.
      (identifierToPathConverter has no "class" property)

      When the CT property is not multiple, then the identifierToPathConverter is created correctly in the app.
      (identifierToPathConverter has the correct "class" property: "info.magnolia.ui.form.field.converter.BaseIdentifierToPathConverter")

      Given we have a CT with a CT-based app,
      when the CT defines a filed with a reference to another type, and if the field allows multiple values:

      # ...
        nodeType: mt:tourOffice
          - name: tourGuides
            type: reference:tourGuide
            multiple: true
      # ...	  

      Then the definition app claims a MINOR PROBLEM

      Definition: tourOffices-app
      Origin: /content-type-examples/apps/tourOffices-app.yaml
      Details: Property [identifierToPathConverter] is set to null in definition.
      Location: tourOffices-app/subApps/detail/editor/form/tabs/default/{name=name, i18n=false, required=true, type=String, fieldType=text}/tourGuides/tourGuides/identifierToPathConverter
      Type: Source data processing problem
      Severity: MINOR

      When removing the multiple: true, there is no more problem.

      This is a regression.

      The given example has worked. (GIT: content-type-examples).
      The above linked repos also contains bootstrpable data, which was produced months ago. In this (old) data, the multi-value content is stored like this:
      [551d6005-20ec-4216-907b-87a0fd3f99b6, 58ba8e48-f404-4593-90b0-19116bcfed10].
      When I create a new Tour office right now, the data now is stored with the node-path and not with the node-UUID (anymore).

        Acceptance criteria

              mgeljic Mikaël Geljić
              cmeier Christoph Meier
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue


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                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - 0d
                  Time Spent - 0.75d