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  1. Community Edition
  2. MGNLCE-85

Introduce new selenium test setup with chrome, selenium3 and docker


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Neutral Neutral
    • 5.5.10, 5.6.1
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Basel 105, Basel 106, Basel 107, Basel 108, Basel 118, Basel 119, Basel 120, Basel 121, Basel 122, Basel 123, Basel 124, Basel 125
    • 13

      Split of magnolia container URL

      With this change comes a split of the previous containerRootURL to the new containerRootURL and directContainerRootURL.
      This was necessary because the magnolia container is now available over two different network interfaces. Important to mention first is that the two docker containers form their own bridged network. This allows them to rely on a certain network configuration. The browser in the selenium docker container accesses magnolia through this standard docker network.

      For certain tests we need to reconfigure magnolia through the property servlet or other services. For this we have to access the magnolia container directly from the host system and not like the browser tests over the selenium docker container. see:

        Acceptance criteria

          1. ui-tests_old-setup.png
            27 kB
            Michael Mühlebach
          2. ui-tests_setup.png
            20 kB
            Michael Mühlebach
          3. ui-tests.png
            48 kB
            Michael Mühlebach

              mmuehlebach Michael Mühlebach
              mmuehlebach Michael Mühlebach
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