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  1. Magnolia Test Framework
  2. MGNLTEST-356

saas-TF can call Unleash-service to switch feature-toggle(s)


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Neutral Neutral
    • 1.1.1
    • None


      First use case is that we have scenarios for JCR-pages and NORSU-pages.
      Whether a saas-webapp comes with JCR-pages or NORSU-pages can be toggled with feature-toggle.
      Such toggle can be switched during runtime.

      The saas-test-framework has no control over how any particular feature behaves. For example, replacing JCR pages for Norsu pages requires changing the toggle state, but also some other operations over the subscription (See Slack thread). Even the hot reloading can't be guaranteed (see MGNLTEST-381). Therefore, for this ticket its enough if the saas-test-framework can change the toggle state (and verify the state has changed in Unleash Server), regardless how Magnolia reacts to the change.  

      Also, not all the toggles trigger the same kind of change in Magnolia, and specifics depends on the concrete toggle and corresponding feature. So, in case the saas-test-framework needs to work with any particular feature, an independent ticket will be filed to handle the concrete scenario.

      There's a feature-toggles librarythat should be reuse for this task, exposing in the saas-test-framework the funcitonality provided by that library.


      saas-test-infra-connectors should provide a service which allows to switch such feature toggle(s).

      Since we sometimes we only want to know the status of a toggle - could make sense if the API of such SaasTFunleashService whould allow to read only first before toggling ... but ... tbd depending on what unleash provides


        Acceptance criteria

              roberto.gomez Roberto Gomez
              cmeier Christoph Meier
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