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  1. Magnolia pages module
  2. PAGES-470

Concurrent creation of pages/components works only for the first user


      Steps to reproduce

      1. Log concurrently in Magnolia  Admincentral with to different sessions (for example, using two different browsers). https://demo.magnolia-cms.com/.magnolia/admincentral#app:pages-app:browser;/travel/::
      2. Click create a page
      3. Select Basic template
      4. When using different page names in different browsers, we hit an issue caused by PAGES-271. When using the same name, the issue is reproducible only on root, the other levels throw a repository exception.
      5. Click next.
      6. The ¡Page properties' dialog is opened, (optionally fill out the info) but do not save it yet.
      7. Go to the other browser, repeat steps 2], 3], 4], 5], 6]
      8. Save the dialog.
      9. Page is created in this browser.
      10. Go back to the first browser and save the 'Page properties' dialog.  

      Expected results

      Page is saved in JCR (shouldn't this fail with a page already exist message?)

      Actual results

      The dialog is closed, there is no new page created in Pages app, and there is no error.


      Development notes

        Acceptance criteria

          1. magnolia_6_2_11_test.mp4
            4.64 MB
            Vincenzo Cerbone
          2. magnolia_6_2_11_test2.mp4
            1.73 MB
            Vincenzo Cerbone

              rkovarik Roman Kovařík
              miruela Mercedes Iruela
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              6 Start watching this issue


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